You've taken the first step of setting up the Stylo app, and even added a few of our recommended automations around frustration and urgency scores. You're on the path to putting out the fires before they even become fires, and your blood pressure is slowly decreasing. Now that you've dealt with the most pressing issues, what's next?
Did you know that Stylo can help you get insight into what products people are asking about, what issues they're experiencing, and help you see how often these issues are occurring? Not only can we do that, but it takes less than five minutes to set up, and uses processes you're already familiar with in Zendesk.
Let's take an example of a new product release of a bicycle from our bicycle company, Stylo Cycles. We know that we're about to receive an onslaught of incoming requests about the new bike on the market, and we want to put extra time towards these requests and make sure they're handled in a timely manner so that we catch any major issues before they spiral into a social media takedown. I'm going to use Stylo to power the existing categorization and views features within Zendesk to create a prioritized queue of tickets about the new bicycle release for my team, and we're going to focus on what we do best: supporting our customers.
Step 1: Creating the new AskStylo field
First, head over to your admin center.
Then, navigate over to the "Fields" section, and select add a field.
You're going to select "Dropdown" or "Multi-Select"(if you need more than one value selected in a request) as the type.
Step 2: Adding in your categories
Name the field "AskStylo: _____", with whatever category name you want, and populate the fields and values with the taxonomy for that category. That's it. Really. Try it with an existing one, and our AI will handle it.
Step 3: Save the field. Wait for new tickets to roll in. Stylo automatically reads the ticket and selects the best value in the field.
That's it. Stylo AI is going to evaluate and label any new tickets that come in, and apply the appropriate labels. If our AI isn't confident about an answer, no label will be applied - we don't want to surface the wrong things and waste your time. If you want to change the values, go ahead! We'll update on any new interactions. You can have dozens of values in the same field, just try to label them in a way that a human would understand...not "XYZ123_LMNOp" < -- Stylo doesn't understand what that's supposed to mean any more than I would. You can read more about our tips for tagging here.
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